Friday, July 18, 2008

Campfire Baked Apples

Apples (one per person)
White or brown sugar

Prepare each apple by cutting out the core, use an apple corer is possible. Cut a chunck of the core and return to the bottom as a "plug" ~ you will not want to lose any of the filling.
For each apple you will need two squares of foil, one on top of the other. You can use heavy duty foil also.
Place the apple on the foil and fill the middle of the apple with 1 tbsp of butter, 1 tsp sugar and cimmonon to taste.
Wrap the apple tightly so the contents stay inside the foil.
Place apples ontop of hot coals.
Move the apples every few minutes. They will take about 10 minutes to cook.
Remove and cool before eating.

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